La Bomba Bluegill Snack
Cheech - April, 2013

Stubborn gills? Really? It was prime spawning season, and day 2 of a 3 day bass/bluegill trip was proving to be much more difficult than the previous day. Just 24 hours ago we were having the "lets see if it will eat THIS," contest, and the gills were coming on every cast. Today, however, it was almost like they had their morning safety meeting with bar graphs and powerpoint presentations with information about NOT eating those bright snack looking thingies. I went through my boxes and found something that was really simple to try to throw. What could it hurt... I had already gone through about every fly in my box. The keys to this fly were a flowing tail and orange rubber legs. I don't think it was on the "do-not-eat" list because it became the slayer for that day. Since then, I have made some modifications to the fly, and it is now "La Bomba" because it will pump some bluegill into your hands.
~ Cheech
- Hook: Fulling Mill 1710 - Nymph Special - 10
- Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon Thread - 140 Denier - Fl. Green
- Tail/Thorax: Senyo Laser Yarn Dubbing - Fl. Chartreuse
- Body: UTC Micro Herl Chenille - Fl. Chartreuse
- Weight: Lead Free Round Wire - .020
- Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Fl. Chartreuse - 1/8" (3.3mm)
- Wing Case: Veevus Holographic Tinsel - Chartreuse - Large
- Legs: Wapsi Round Rubber Legs - Fl. Fire Orange - Small
- Resin: Solarez UV Cure Resin - Thin Hard 1/2 oz