The Better Baetis
Cheech - March 3, 2018

When I first started getting serious about tying and fishing I had a group of buddies that would get together every once in a while to tie flies and compare notes. Some of the patterns that we would tie still are in my box to this day, and they still catch fish just like they did 15 years ago. One of the patterns that I learned was designed by Jake Ricks, and it's called the Better Baetis. Jake has been fishing since he was a kid, and has guided lots of less skilled anglers into fish over the years. I always listen when seasoned guides talk about the flies that they use regularly because it's probably really effective, not too complicated to tie, and super durable. This is the case with Jake's fly. Pay attention to the unique tail that isn't necessarily an exact match of a mayfly, but it gives a slightly different silhouette in the water that you probably won't find in a store bought fly. It's also tied on a big eye hook, and is almost all synthetic materials for maximum durability. We used the very versatile light tan dun color of hackle because it's also a bit different from the dyed dun colors that a lot of people use. I have fished this pattern off and on over the years, and it's a constant fish catcher. Thanks Jake!