Easy Wing Bunny Midge
Cheech - January 31, 2016
When I first started cutting my teeth in the commercial fly tying I kept myself somewhat busy tying impossibly tiny flies for people. I have always had good vision (knock on wood) so I designed a fly that used minimal materials, but most importantly, the fly needed to be proportionate and float well. This video will show you the original technique that I have always used, but I substitute the snowshoe hare's foot for some EP trigger point fibers. I have successfully tied these down to size 32 (RIP Tiemco 518) and it truly is a way to have little to no bulk on a tiny midge fly. At the end of the day, this has been a confidence midge fly for me for more than 20 years. Tie em up in size 22-30 in black, gray, and olive, and go smack fish!