Wooly Baetis
Cheech - April, 2020

Don't show your friends this fly... I'ts super secret, and it's designed to increase your catch rate by 29%. Jokes aside, this is pretty much an RS2 variation that has a dubbed and cased thorax. The Wee Wool for the body also adds a slim, yet buggy profile, so tie some up and make sure to vary the colors to match your local bugs!
Material List
- Hook: TMC 200R Hook - 20 - 25 Pack
- Thread: SemperFli Nano Silk Ultra Fine 30D 18/0 - Olive
- Bead: Killer Caddis Glass Beads - Midge - CC-Tan
- Tail: Mayfly Tails - Medium Dun
- Body: Wee Wool Yarn - Olive Dun
- Wing Case: UTC Flashback Tinsel - Black - Medium
- Thorax: SLF Prism Bug Dub - Gray
- Alternate Dubbing: Wapsi Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing - Adam's Gray
- Alternate Dubbing: TroutHunter Dry Fly Dubbing - Adam's Gray
- Alternate Dubbing: TroutHunter Professional Dubbing for Emergers & Nymphs - Gray Olive
Materials & Alternate Materials Listed Below