Medusa Green Drake Emerger
Cheech - May 2024
Nymphing will make you tie better dry flies... That's the theme with this fly because the wing is inspired by the good old New Zealand strike indicator. A NZ indicator is all made from wool, it lands super soft, and floats forever when treated with the right type of floatant. This wing is all made from wool and then treated with flyagra at the bench. THIS IS A CRITICAL STEP! The wing is made hand blending three colors of wool, but you can use two or even one color for this. I only blended it because all the wool I can get is a little bit too dark. The body is made from materials that don't float so they will sit under the surface while the big wool and CDC wing keep it bobbing along. Up to this point, I haven't been the biggest fan of split thread loops, but the new SMHAEN tool has made me want to use split thread a lot more. This fly is a blast to tie, and really is a pretty quick tie once you get comfy with the tool. I've tied them down to a size 18 for BWOs and the technique works really well on small flies as well.