The Mega Moodah Poodah
Curtis - June 2021

The original Moodah Poodah has been one of our best-selling attractor dry flies over the past few years and this "Mega" version is just building on to that. I specifically chose a streamer hook for this one to help keel the fly and offset the weight of the foam up top. As a result, this fly can be used on big dry fly eaters and works equally well supporting bigger dropper flies. It keeps the butt down in the water and can imitate a bug struggling in the surface film -- one of the reasons I think this style of fly has been so effective over the years.
And bonus: if you have Cicadas around, this same fly in a black color scheme does well imitating a cicada (as shown by the photo here from a recent trip throwing Cicadas at Strawberry reservoir here in Utah). See the recipe and video below the fish pic!