Baetis Max
Cade M. - December 2023

The Baetis Max is a tried and true pattern that works well all year round and can be fished in many different ways to bring a lot of fish to your net! Our local tailwater fish see tons of flies every single day and I am constantly testing out new patterns to try to trick these very picky fish. I needed a fly that was durable, quick to tie and would have just a little flash and movement to attract attention. CDC for the collar of this fly creates that movement and is also veiled over the tinsel on the body to take away a little bit of shine but also lets it peak through giving this fly a great appearance in the water. Added Ice Dub to the collar really finishes this fly off and creates a pattern that stands out but is not going to spook any fish away. Tied on a super sticky hook this fly catches fish and is definitely one of my go-to's! Tie this one and I'm sure you will be looking to fill your box with 'em and have everyone asking what fly you are using out on the water!