Bruiser Bugger
Cheech - April 26, 2016

The Wooly Bugger is probably the most popular fly on the planet, and it can be tied in about any configuration you can imagine. I really like a heavily weighted bugger to fish in rivers, and you all hopefully have seen the complex twist bugger with it's large tungsten cone head. The Bruiser Bugger was created just because I was addicted to throwing the new double pupil eyes on about every fly that came off my desk. For my river buggers I like them big and bold - long tailed and thick headed dragons that move a lot, dive deep, and push water. My stillwater buggers (for lakes) I like to make more like leeches - Shorter sparse tails, short hackle, and minimal weight. The Bruiser Bugger is a pretty quick tie that really moves well and pushes water really well. They will be a great addition to your streamer box.
- Hook: Daiichi 2461 - Long Shank Streamer Hook - 2
- Thread: Veevus GSP - Black - 50 Denier
- Eyes: Double Pupil Lead Eyes - Large - Yellow w/ White & Black
- Tail: Fish Hunter Premium Strung Marabou - Brown
- Tail: Fish Hunter Premium Strung Marabou - Lemon Yellow
- Body: Cactus Chenille - Rootbeer - Medium
- Hackle: Nature's Spirit Grizzly Variant Schlappen - Yellow
- Legs: Silicone Flutter Legs - Brown
- Head: Ice Dub - Pheasant Tail
- Overwing: Bruiser Blend Dubbing - Canary
- Marker: Chartpak Fly Tying Markers - Delta Brown (Dark Brown)
- Marker: Chartpak Fly Tying Markers - Desert Tan (Dark Tan)