Henry's Fork

Headlines From Dr. Rob Van Kirk's SWE report of yesterday for the Henry's Fork drainage.

  • Yesterday was warm and wet, keeping water-year precipitation at 110% of average but increasing SWE a notch to 115% of average.
  • Moderate precipitation is expected to continue on and off for the foreseeable future.
  • Natural stream flow in the upper Henry’s Fork sub-watershed continues to hover in the range of 75-77% of average.
  • At an average outflow of 203 cfs, Island Park Reservoir gained 390 ac-ft yesterday thanks to good precipitation and is 73% full, compared with 72% full on average.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry's Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL

Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black