Henry's Fork

According to Henry's Fork Foundation reports, water clarity is improving with suspended fines causing the off-color appearance of the river from Ashton Dam to the confluence with the South Fork. The mud flats exposed in the drained reservoir above the dam do not appear to be eroding into the river---good news! Presenting streamers in the river above the reservoir to the Warm River confluence is a way to attract browns migrating to upstream spawning areas. In Island Park it is time for large trout from the Harriman-Last Chance reach to begin migrating into Box Canyon for the winter. Streamer fishing in the canyon is improving and will continue to do so as we move to the end of the year. Further upstream consider trying streamer patterns in the river below the Big Springs-Henry's Lake Outlet confluence. The holes known as "The Tubs" there host big trout this time of year. This part of the river also features huge whitefish. They take midge and BWO life cycle patterns, provide great fillets, and turn out great after a stint in your smoker.
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO