Henry's Fork
Two closures will be made after November 30th: the river in Harriman State Park (Last Chance to Riverside) and from Ashton Dam down to Vernon Bridge (second bridge below Ashton Dam). Until then presenting midge life cycle patterns is a great way to fish the river in Harriman State Park, and presenting streamers is the best way to encounter the big trout between Ashton Dam and Vernon Bridge. Better Hurry! With low flow out of Island Park Dam, presenting streamers is a great way to fish just below down to the Buffalo River, but be ready for winter conditions. Cross Country skis can get you into the Tubs area where big rainbows are concentrating. If you try there, for sure you will need waders, and vibram soles will be better that felt soles (same applies to Box Canyon)! There is less snow along the lower river where presenting streamers is also the name of the game with some action available from fish feeding on midges.
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO