Henry's Fork
Inspection work on Ashton Dam requires reducing flows as low as 300 cfs from time to time over the next week. This fluctuation will impact turbidity in the river as well as fish activity. PacifiCorp will begin filling Ashton Reservoir on November 28th. Best news is that because Island Park Reservoir holds abundant water, flows out of Island Park Dam will be at least 500 cfs through the winter. This is great news for fish especially the youngest which need bank side water for shelter. Best way to enjoy top water fishing on the river now is with midge life cycle patterns as BWOs will begin to diminish. Nymph patterns will also work, but streamer fishing is the best way to encounter the largest fish these days.
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO