Henry's Fork
Midge hatches are beginning to appear on the lower river, but access can be a problem at many points.
Are you interested in doing a trip to fish the upper Henry's Fork and drainage during the upcoming season? Would seeing how snow and water conditions appear to be stacking up to help in planning? The information Rob VanKirk compiles may help. Rob's analyses, and reports on water and snow conditions is as good as it gets. Below is Rob's latest update.
Henry's Fork Water Supply, Feb 02 2021

Station guide and disclaimer
Glossary of Terms
Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Henry's Fork Foundation
P.O. Box 550
Ashton, ID 83420
208-652-3567 OFFICE
208-881-3407 CELL
208-652-3568 FAX
Rob's blog
Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black
- After a dry day, water-year total precipitation and SWE are both at 80% of average.
- Island Park Reservoir gained 99 ac-ft yesterday, compared with 65 ac-ft/day needed to reach the target volume of 120,000 ac-ft by April 1.
- The reservoir is 86% full, compared with 74% full on average.
- Watershed SWE
- Island Park Reservoir inflow/outflow: 15-minute data
- Island Park Reservoir volume: 15-minute data
- Island Park Reservoir volume: predicted vs. observed

Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black