Henry's Fork

During nicer days midge activity is dense enough to provide some good top water fishing up and down the river, but getting to the river can be a problem in many places.

Dr. Rob Van Kirk's report for today, February 8th, on snow and water conditions in the upper Henry's Fork drainage are given below.


  • Water-year precipitation stayed at 96% of average yesterday, but SWE dropped to 80% of average.
  • Island Park Reservoir gained 187 ac-ft yesterday, a little higher than it was 7-10 days ago but well below the rates of 250-350 ac-ft/day we saw during periods of heavy precipitation in December.
  • Natural flow in the upper Henry’s Fork sub-watershed remains around 75% of average.
  • Dry weather will continue until at least next Monday.


Mean temperature yesterday was 2 degrees F below average. No precipitation was recorded, leaving the water-year total at 96% of average. Snow water equivalent (SWE) dropped to 80% of average. Forecasts are hinting at precipitation next Monday, but we’ve seen such forecasts fall apart week after week over the past month.

Most stream gages in the watershed remain affected by ice, but the Island Park and Ashton gages on the Henry’s Fork show that natural flow in the upper Henry’s Fork watershed is around 75% of average, where it has been since late last summer.

Island Park Reservoir gained 187 ac-ft yesterday, higher than what we saw 7-10 days ago but nowhere near the rates of 250-350 ac-ft/day observed back in December during periods of precipitation. Since December 1, outflow has average 218 cfs, and fill has averaged 247 ac-ft/day. The reservoir is 81% full, compared with 75% full on average.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry's Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-652-3567 OFFICE

208-881-3407 CELL

208-652-3568 FAX

Fly Patterns to use:
Tungsten Zebra Midge Thin Black
Egan’s Rainbow Warrior Pearl
Mayhem Emerger Black