Henry's Fork

Walk-in fishing is the way to go on most of the river. Boat ramps are not cleared of enough snow to make launching and taking out much fun. As soon as we hear that certain ramps are cleared, we will post such info here. For now, if you must float, rafting is more practical, but you will need rope! Fishing has been good along the river. Midge and BWO life cycle patterns provide action for floating line enthusiasts, while March browns should be doing the same not too far in the future. Giant stonefly nymph and steamer patterns are providing action for the sink-tip line enthusiasts. Some places to look for action include Last Chance area for good midge hatches. Henry's Fork Anglers (HFA) offers that in Box Canyon midge life cycle, giant stonefly nymph and streamer patterns will result in action. Snow shoes or cross country skis may help access during warmer days. HFA also offers that rainbows are moving into the river above Island Park Reservoir, and access is best when snow is hard enough to support weight. This year the river between Ashton Dam and the Vernon Bridge is open ONLY for catch and release fishing. Same for the river between Riverside Campground and the lower Harriman State Park boundary. Please report any violators to IDF&G.
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO