Henry's Fork
The lower river offers the most consistent and likely the best fly fishing in the region. Mother's Day caddis, BWO and midge activities are resulting in excellent top water fishing. Days with little wind are best. Streamer fishing also continues to be good during low light conditions. On the upper river the Last Chance area features some good midge hatches with a few BWOs showing, but weather can be difficult. Flow in the river is increasing as the run-off season is getting underway. The biggest impact will be on the river below the Fall River confluence downstream to the South Fork confluence.
Headlines 4/26
Water Quality information from Dr. Rob Van Kirk's Snow Water Equivalent Report for the Henry's Fork Drainage Filed Yesterday
Water quality remains very good in all river reaches and continues to show influence from rapid snowmelt watershed-wide. Conductivity continues to drop at all locations, indicating a large influx of relatively pure surface water from snowmelt. Turbidity continued to drop from a peak earlier in the week at Flat Rock but is still increasing at all other locations due to increased streamflow. However, current turbidity values are within the range typically observed during periods of snowmelt. Water temperatures were a little cooler yesterday than they were earlier in the week, and aquatic insect development is within two days of average at all locations. I expect hatches to slow a little over the next few days, as cloudy and cooler weather keeps water temperatures a little below average.
Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
P.O. Box 550
Ashton, ID 83420
208-881-3407 CELL
Fly Patterns to use:
Brook’s Sprout-Baetis
Egan’s Silver Bullet-Baetis
Antonio’s Adult BWO