Henry's Fork

Flow is up with colder water throughout the river ( especially below Fall River and Warm River-Robinson Creek confluences) making for slower top water fishing even though BWO and Midge activity is good. Mother's Day caddis are active in places. Streamer fishing can be productive when concentrated during low light periods and at out-of-direct-sunlight areas. Pattern choice is less important than understanding these conditions.

Stonefly nymphs are beginning to migrate and therefore becoming more available as a food form for trout. That's another reason for slower top water fishing. Fish use less energy to feed along the river bed than rising to the surface. So as we move later in May, stonefly nymph patterns become more important in your fly box until adults appear.

Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Corn-Fed Caddis Tan