Henry's Fork
Sightings of large stoneflies flying last weekend in the Warm River to Ashton reach are greatly exaggerated. High-flying birds may have been mistaken for these, or maybe a few bugs were coming over from Warm River. For sure the big stonefly nymphs are moving in Warm River to Ashton, in Cardiac Canyon, and the river below Ashton Dam. No doubt a few adults have formed by now. But fish are likely full of nymphs, so wait a while before they begin keying on the adults which will surely increase in number. Best chances for top water fishing success in these parts of the river are from caddis and March browns. Speaking of the Ashton Dam, draw-down began on May 11th. That means the river below will be off-color now through opening day and beyond. We'll keep you posted about the effects of draw-down which should not be as drastic as last year.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Corn-Fed Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Corn-Fed Caddis Tan