Henry's Fork
Fall River has gone up to around 2500 cfs and likely will go higher today. This means the Henry's Fork below Chester Dam is not the place to fish for now because of high, cold, and roily water. Now for the river above. Flows below the Ashton Dam are stable but a bit higher than normal. Above Ashton Reservoir some run-off is coming in from Robinson Creek. We tried the river just below Vernon Bridge (second bridge below Ashton Dam) Saturday. San Juan worms and big rubber legs worked well when fished deep. We DID NOT see giant stonefly nymphs along stream edges. Most likely that should begin in significant numbers late this week. Nevertheless, because we did well on the big rubberlegs patterns there must be some nymphs available to fish in deeper water. We'll pass on any more info we have on the Henry's Fork stonefly emergence before Memorial Day weekend.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Corn-Fed Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Henry’s Fork Foam Stone Salmonfly
Corn-Fed Caddis Tan