Henry's Fork
On this opening day of general fishing season the most asked question is "Where's the bug (giant stonefly) hatch on the Henry's Fork?" Right now the bugs are hunkered down waiting for a warm-up so they can do their thing. Yes, its cold where they have come out from just above Chester backwaters to Riverside Campground. Fish are aware of their presence. So regardless of weather they will be taking offerings. The trick is finding where fish are responding best to them. Right now that would somewhere in Cardiac Canyon. So boating from Riverside Campground to Hatchery Ford, from the Lower Mesa Falls slide to Warm River and even from Warm River to Ashton are the best choices to encounter fish taking giant stonefly patterns on the surface. It's a bit early for fishing dry stonefly patterns in Box Canyon, but when it warms up that will change. Other than stoneflies presenting streamer patterns along cover out of direct sunlight, especially evenings is the best way to encounter large fish. This really applies to the river from Ashton Dam to the Chester Dam. Our current weather is "BWO weather", so don't overlook that life cycle patterns for these can be effective.