Henry's Fork
The giant stonefly emergence remains the big event here. Adults are flying along the middle river (Riverside to Warm River) and should offer some good dry fly fishing. Any day now adults should show in the Box Canyon. On the lower river these bugs have emerged all they are going to, but golden stones are coming on. No PMDs yet on the upper river, but there are March browns and caddis.
Please pay some thought to the incident at what we know as the Seely access we described in our 5-26-09 fishing report for the Henry's Fork. The new landowner is rightfully unhappy with the drift boat take out incidents that happened at the turn-around because those two acts are not only illegal, but damaged the spring between it and the river. He has every right to close access here and may do so if this incident is repeated. Please pass the word around that this is a possibility that could impact availability of a popular and excellent reach of the river. You can spread the word that use of this access for float fishing is not legal. If you use this access and see the landowner, you can score some points by thanking him for allowing trespass and by letting him know that you will tell other anglers that using his land for float fishing in put or take out is illegal.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s Last Chance Cripple Flavilinea
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s Last Chance Cripple Flavilinea
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan