Henry's Fork

Any where you fish on the river expect plenty of company. The main reason is the South Fork not being in good fishing condition. That drives more anglers to this river. It is drake time on the Henry's Fork from the Henry's Lake Outlet section on down to the confluence with the South Fork. True PMDs, midges, and caddis are present and some golden stoneflies remain to attract trout. But for the next few weeks any fly-fishers on the river cannot go wrong if they switch to emerger, dun, or spinner patterns where appropriate for each of these drakes. The trick for the best measure of success is knowing how, when, and where to do so. Just a few days ago, Mike Lawson offered an excellent Green, Gray and Brown drake summary for the river. It's on the June 13th Henry's Fork Anglers fishing report. Go to his blog at the end of the Harriman Park report to read Mike's thoughts on the characteristics of each drake species, where and when to expect them, and fly pattern recommendations. The information within is sure to increase your chances for successful fishing during the Henry's Fork drake season.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s Last Chance Cripple Flavilinea
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan