Henry's Fork
The famed hatches are ongoing on the Last Chance-Harriman section of the river. PMD,early flav, and green drake life cycle patterns are best with rusty spinner and caddis life cycle patterns also effective In Box Canyon where some golden stone flies remain. Crowds of fly fishers from all corners of the earth are present and so are etiquette varieties. If you intend to fish the Henry's Fork, crowds on the lower river have thinned considerably above and below Ashton Dam and the hatches ongoing from the upper river are present and will be until the river warms up (from Ashton Dam to Chester). We have no word on the presence of a significant gray drake hatch here. Because of Henry's Lake water management actions this spring, flow out of the lake has been meager ( about 20 cfs). This results in fewer fish escaping into the stream below. So fishing in the Flat Ranch section will just be OK.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s Last Chance Cripple Flavilinea
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan