Henry's Fork

The Tubs

Here is some good info from Dr. Rob Van Kirk's Water Status report filed yesterday for the Henry's Fork watershed.

Water quality

Overall, water quality continues to be excellent throughout the watershed. Turbidity has increased a little at most locations over the past day or two due to rain but remains much lower than it had been during the peak of snow melt a few weeks ago. Water temperatures are in or slightly below the optimal range for rainbow trout watershed-wide. Dissolved oxygen concentrations are also optimal. Timing of aquatic insect hatches at Flat Rock, Pinehaven, Ashton and St. Anthony is staying around 1–4 days later than average but 1–3 days earlier than last year. Hatch timing at Marysville and Island Park Dam is 7–8 days later than average and about 1–3 days later than last year. I do not expect hatch timing to change much with respect to average for the foreseeable future.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry's Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL

Consider that Dr. Rob is talking about the peak of insect hatches. This means that a few insect are emerging now, but achieving peak concentrations are delayed.

The above photo shows The Tubs area above Mack's Inn. Try pitching streamer patterns into these deep holes. You will find some relative solitude before recreational floating gets going.