Henry's Fork

Flow out of Island Park Reservoir was raised to 1230 cfs on June 19th. This is 50% above mean flow (800 cfs) for this time of year, and it has put a ":crimp" in the dry fly fishing downstream to Pinehaven. The green drakes, PMDs, caddis and other aquatic insect are still there and so are the fish. But with increased flow, less effort is required by fish through staying near the bottom and picking off food items freed up by the increased flow. This suggests that presenting nymphs and wet flies may be a good option as is proving to be the case in Box Canyon.

Plenty of fly fishers remain on the lower river whether boating or wading. A few drakes and golden stones and PMDs remain there. With some flavs and caddis they provide top water action. The best way to minimize crowding is to fish during evening hours. Be aware, however, that the river below Ashton Dam will begin to warm as we get into July. This will means early AM and evenings will be the best times for fishing success.