Henry's Fork

By having the Henry's Fork running at almost 500 cfs lower flow then normal for this time of year, the hatches are beginning to occur faster from Warm River and down. Pmd's spinner falls in the morning have been quite successful from about 10 in the morning to about 1 in the after noon. Also, caddis have been prominent in mornings and evenings. Although now with the sighting of Green Drakes, I would make sure to have them along in my box. Additionally, I would also not be afraid to fish a dry dropper with a golden stone and a small nymph. Next, the dry flies I would take are Super Chernobyl Brown size 10, Improved X-Caddis Yellow size 14 and 16, Green Drake Wulff size 10, Harrop's Rusty Biot Spinner size 16 and 18, and finally a Harrop's CDC PMD Biot Spinner size 16 and 18. Then for nymphs I would use a Bennet's Brown Rubber Leg size 8, Copper John Red size 16, and Uv2 Mayfly nymph size 16.