Henry's Fork

Lower river is definitely warming, so we suggest fishing in the early AM when spinner falls provide some action. Presenting streamer patterns, especially during early in the day overcast conditions, can bring out some large trout. Fishing the upper river is more consistent with continuing AM and PM spinner falls and afternoon caddis activity. Look for mayfly populations to begin diminishing from the spring-early summer peak and for bank side terrestrial insects to increase in number. Depending on weather (mostly thundershowers and resultant winds ) some good fishing can be found in less crowded spots along the river such as the Coffeepot area, the Tubs area, and the Flat Ranch preserve. Spinner falls, afternoon caddis, yellow sallies, diminishing PMD and golden stones and increasing terrestrial insects will provide interest from trout. From now through Labor Day expect to share the river in Box Canyon and the Big Springs-Mack's Inn section with floating recreationists.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan