Henry's Fork

Big Osborn Spring at Lower Right

Fishing in the upper section of the Harriman State Park section will soon take a somewhat back seat during PMs to the lower section. March browns are mostly gone, Green Drake activity is tumbling, PMDs are getting smaller in size, but flavs remain for good PM fishing and AM spinner falls. But for brown drakes, the peak hatch peak is soon to come, and the best of their hatch will be accessed via Wood Road 16 (WR 16). For sure there will be some brown drakes throughout the entire Harriman reach (same with flavs), but there is one big reason why the best concentration is on the lower section. See the above photo? It was taken of a river section about a half mile above the WR 16 access.The US Highway bridge is at upper right. What is significant here is that water flowing from Last Chance on down to and past the bridge is warming because of water in Island Park Reservoir and inlets from Silver and other Park lakes are warming (all are shallow), and so is weather, helping to diminish dissolved oxygen in the river. However inflow from Big Osborn Spring adds a large amount of cool water to the river making better conditions for the brown drake population in the river below. Brown drakes emerge best during evenings but they are sure to peak soon. Fish are in the river "Twenty-Four Seven" and they will be gorged on these active insects just before their emergence peak. So consider being on this part of the river very soon. .

Water Quality Section from Dr. Rob Van Kirk's Henry's Fork Drainage report filed July 3rd.

Overall, water quality continues to be excellent throughout the watershed, with the exception that afternoon high temperatures are starting to exceed optimal at some locations. Mean water temperatures yesterday were very close to average throughout the watershed, but afternoon highs exceeded 70 degrees at Buffalo River, Pinehaven, St. Anthony, and Parker. Dissolved oxygen concentrations are good in all river reaches.

Timing of aquatic insect hatches has not changed much with respect to the 2014–2022 average over the past week except at Marysville, where it has moved from 9 days later than average to 8 days later. Hatch timing in the river reach between Island Park Dam and Pinehaven is 5–6 days later than average but at or a few days ahead of that in 2022. Hatch timing at Flat Rock, Ashton Dam, and St. Anthony is still 1–4 days behind average but 1–3 days ahead of last year.

Rob Van Kirk, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Henry's Fork Foundation

P.O. Box 550

Ashton, ID 83420

208-881-3407 CELL