Henry's Fork
This is the best time of year to fish the river above Island Park Reservoir. Large rainbows are moving out of the reservoir, some to follow kokanee, others to escape the warming water, and others to begin a spawning run. With flows out of Henry's Lake dropping, trout in the Outlet reach move downstream to the river for better habitat. Thus the river from the reservoir upstream to the Big Springs closure has an added compliment of large trout. Although this part of the river does not have the great and varied aquatic insect population of the river below Island Park Reservoir, it has caddisflies and midges in abundance and the banks host plenty of terrestrial insects. From the Coffeepot area downstream to the reservoir stoneflies are important. But is worth remembering that the fish that have moved in originated in either Henry's Lake or Island Park Reservoir. Thus some of the favored flies on these still waters can be effective, especially streamers and wooly bugger types. So consider this part of the river to be a destination this time of year. You will have a great chance for encountering some large rainbows and cutthroat
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s CDC Water Wasp-Honey
Antonio’s Adult BWO
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s CDC Water Wasp-Honey
Antonio’s Adult BWO