Henry's Fork

Popular Lower River Boat Launch Facility
There have been no deep killing frosts yet with low early morning temperatures typically hovering in the low to high twenties in degrees F. until mid day warming happens Fewer daylight hours and cool nighttime air temps help break up aquatic weeds throughout the river this time of the season. Drifting mats can interfere with both wet and dry fly fishing, so stay alert for these coming through the water you are fishing. Unsettled weather the next few days will enhance BWO and mahogany dun activity, so keep their life cycle patterns in that fly box. The same weather will enhance pitching streamer patterns into good holding water, especially with the slightly lower than normal flows in the entire river. Remember that proper placement of these overrides pattern choice. An alternative to these, are trying double nymph rigs in such locations as Box Canyon and throughout the lower river.
Fly Patterns to use:
Harrop’s CDC Water Wasp-Honey
Antonio’s Adult BWO