Henry's Lake

Spring is officially here! The temperature was up to 70 degrees yesterday. Don't be quick to pack away your snowblower yet we're sure to have at least one more snow storm before summer is here. We have been really busy at the shop we are starting to receive shipments for the upcoming season. We have received our Cloudveil order. We now have a great selection of new shirts and pants for men and women from Cloudveil. With this warm weather and the snow beginning to melt in the mountains, our streams and rivers will become high and dirty. There is still really good fishing in our local resevoiurs. These resevoirs host large fish that fun to catch. Also the warm water fishing will be picking up soon. Bluegill, and bass are a lot of fun to catch in the spring. If you haven't had a chance to get out and fish stillwater come into the shop and we will be happy to get you headed in the right direction. If your favorite fishing hole is too high and mighty, try something new, or come back to an old favorite pastime.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red