Henry's Lake

Ice is retreating from the lake. The best time for early season fishing is when and where the ice is not far out from the shoreline. Leech and streamer patterns are good choices for action.

A request to help determine Henry's Lake fish population and physical condition is below.

From Idaho Fish & Game - The ice is coming off the lake fast, and with that comes the beginning of our annual gillnet survey.

 When: We need help for the next two weeks. Looks like we need two volunteers a day to meet us at the Henry's Lake Hatchery at 8:00 AM each morning. We can provide a truck and carpool up to the lake.

Description:  : The gill net operation will consist of picking fish out of the nets, count fish species, and collect any samples the biologist needs. The picking is the time consuming and can be the smelly part.

What to Bring: Please bring waders(if you have them), a rain jacket & pants(works best). The nets are wet, so waterproof clothing, or ‘work clothes’ is a must and layers to be comfortable in temperatures ranging from 25-70 degrees. Gill net catch rates vary, so working up nets can potentially take several hours and I would suggest packing Snacks, lunch and drinks.  

 Physical Demands: Weather can vary in Island park . Not a real physically demanding job but there is some bending/stooping/kneeling  and hand dexterity to remove fish from nets.

Please click the link to see what days are available. Then email me dates and contact information so I can add you to the schedule.  


Gerren B. Steel

Volunteer Services Coordinator

Idaho Department of Fish & Game

Work: 208-535-8039

Cell: 208-850-7576

Fly Patterns to use:
Balanced Leech Olive
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red