Henry's Lake

Giant stoneflies are still hanging around thanks to our cool rainy weather, but golden stones are coming on. The older, more experienced (meaning bigger) fish will be aware of them. Best locations are from Riverside down to Warm River, Coffee Pot area, or Box (most crowded) Canyon. Don't overlook walking in to such as Bear Gulch, Mesa Falls and Hatchery Ford. The other oncoming event is the PMD emergence. For now the lower river ABOVE Chester backwaters will be the best location for this event. Fall River is still putting runoff water into the river, so it is tough for us to recommend fishing below Chester Dam. Caddis, of course, are just about everywhere, and if you visit the river in the evening and do not have streamer patterns in your fly box you could miss an opportunity for the biggest fish of the year.
Fly Patterns to use:
Kaufmann’s Scud Gray Olive
Rowley’s Balanced Leech-Black
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red