Henry's Lake

Fishing at Henry's Lake has been very good recently. Fishing off Targhee Creek has been best with some bigger fish finally showing up. To fish the Targhee Creek area successfully you need to be there early, really early. Start shallow in the morning and gradually work your way out to deeper water as the sun gets higher in the sky. On the same note, fish larger, darker flies (Black CB, Brown CB, Lt Olive Crystal, California leech) early and change out to the smaller patterns (Mighty Mouse, Peacock Ah, HL Scud, HL Pheasant tail) as the day goes on. If you see people up there catching fish while you are not, stop fishing and watch them for a bit. Often you can pick up how and what others are using/doing just by slowing down and watching for a bit. Other areas of the lake are fishing well too like Howard Creek, The Cliffs, and around Duck Creek. Use the same methods mentioned above on all these locations.
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red