Henry's Lake

The fishing at Henry's lately has been pretty good. Duck creek and Targhee creek have been the hot spots on the lake as of lately, although the fish can be tough some days in both places. You really need to look for the holes/channels in the weeds this time of year. The fish will use these weedbeds as a "highway" and cruise them looking for food. Both sinking lines and floating lines with indicators have been producing. For sinking lines think smaller flies this time of year like the peacock AH size 12, Mighty Mouse size 12, Henry's Lake scud and Henry's Lake pheasant tail both in a size 12. Choose your sinking line depending on how deep the water is you are fishing. There is too much to explain on this post, but call us in the shop or stop by and we can get you squared away with the sinking line you will need. For fishing under indicators I would be fishing beadhead damsels in size #12 and smaller callibaetis nymphs. Change your depth up until you find the depth that the fish are feeding at.  
Fly Patterns to use:
Mini Damsel Nymph
Rohmer’s BH Simi Seal Leech Canadian Brown
Chan’s Chironomid Pupa Black/Red