Main Stem Snake River

From the Henry's Fork confluence to American Falls Reservoir the Snake River is flowing at or below its normal amount because irrigation season is over and water storage routines are starting in upstream reservoirs. Thus both boating and walk-in-wade opportunities on the river are more attractive and numerous than in past months.

.It is also the time of the season when brown trout begin migrating to spawning areas. Being aggressive during the migration, they make good sport for fly fishers presenting streamer patterns. Choose the heads and tails of deep water and along banks with good vegetation and deep water to concentrate your presentations, Avoid spawning areas. With our unusually sunny, warm weather, the best time to encounter these browns is under low light conditions because they settle in deep water for overhead cover during daytime. So the best chance for encounters is during early morning or evenings hours when the sun is off the water. The shortening days make being on the water more convenient, so consider a "pre-breakfast" or "pre-dinner" visit to the river.

Fly Patterns to use:
Flugenzombie Dirty Baitfish
Rusty Trombone
Sculpzilla- Black