Main Stem Snake River

A great place to try the river now is around Blackfoot and the Tilden Bridge areas. The flow here is around 2200 cfs meaning that wading is a safe option. Evenings are the best time to be on the river as trout will be chasing the caddis hatch and large trout will chase baitfish in the shallows along sheltered areas. Some action can also be found during early AM spinner falls. At the Shelley Interstate-15 connector flows are still around 4500 cfs, but some walk-in fishing is possible especially about a mile below the connector downstream to Cook's Diversion. Grassy banks and undercuts will be the best places to find fish looking for terrestrial patterns. No doubt the best way to enjoy the river, however, is through a float trip. Get in touch with us; we can help you choose a section to try.
Fly Patterns to use:
Rusty Trombone
Palomino Caddis Tan
Project Hopper