Main Stem Snake River

Snake River at Freeman Park
Now that irrigation flow is decreasing it is time to begin looking at fishing the Main Snake River from the Henry's Fork confluence downstream to American Falls Reservoir. There are numerous public access points from below power plant dams to the many boat launch facilities and scattered bank side public land. Conveniently some good access is present along the river in Idaho Falls. For example, from Freeman Park on upstream on both sides of the river there are places that offer plenty of room for a back cast and for safe wading. Brown and rainbow trout here range to trophy sizes. The fall mayfly hatch will consist of BWOs and can be enjoyed afternoons at most locations along the river. With September approaching another may fly hatch will interest trout significantly. That is of the snowflake dun ( also know as pink lady), the best concentrations of which are found on the lower river above American Falls Reservoir such as around the Tilden Bridge area to McTucker Ponds. As we advance into the fall season, the big attraction will be brown trout runs. This means presenting streamer patterns will be the the name of the game. So this part of the river so close to town is hard to beat on considering convenience.
Fly Patterns to use:
Rusty Trombone
Palomino Caddis Tan
Project Hopper