Main Stem Snake River

Flow in the entire river from the Henry's Fork confluence downstream is near seasonal normal and will drop further. With aggressive brown trout migrating to spawning areas and the river being close by a visit is quite convenient if you enjoy fishing streamers during this activity. Doing so at icon locations such as the Green, Madison, Missouri and Beaverhead Rivers and rivers within Yellowstone Park can require considerable travel whereas locations on the Main Stem can be minutes away whether you are boating or wading. With decreasing daylight hours and increased chances for unsettled weather this time of the year, lesser travel time to it can be attractive. So consider trying this river for fall-run browns, and visit Fly Fish Food-Jimmy's for "where, when and how" information.
Fly Patterns to use:
Flugenzombie Dirty Baitfish
Rusty Trombone
Sculpzilla- Black