Small Streams

Many back country roads are opening up meaning that some of our quality small waters are now approachable. However those that drain high country remain high and discolored. The Blackfoot River provides a good example of this situation. The river above the reservoir is running very high, but opens to fishing on July 1st. Roads leading to the river below the reservoir are open, but the river, now open to fishing, is running very high. The same applies to Fall and Teton rivers: approachable but running high and discolored. Expect the same for Palisades Reservoir tributaries, Salt River tributaries, Little Lost River drainage, Medicine Lodge Creek, and Robinson Creek. Warm River above Robinson Creek is running high and clear. Birch Creek is the exception. It is in good fishing shape. Being mostly of spring creek origin, it will remain so through the season.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red