Small Streams

Some roads to small waters remain closed. For example the Ashton Flagg Road is closed beyond the South Boone Creek crossing, and the Snow Creek Road has yet to open. The Cave Falls Road is open, but soft in places. Warm River is one of the better small streams to try. The lower river will be crowded because of the nearby campground and easy access. Fewer anglers will be near the Warm River Spring or near Pole Bridge campground because the giant stonefly hatch on the nearby Henry's Fork is in full swing. Try wet attractor, small bead head nymph,and caddis life cycle patterns. Tributaries to Palisades Reservoir are sure to be high for a while. Of the Salt River tributaries, Jackknife Creek might be in the best shape where small woolly bugger types and bead head nymphs would be best bets for action. All streams draining high country will host run-off for a while.
Fly Patterns to use:
Pat’s Rubber Legs Black & Brown
Olsen’s DNA Worm Pink & Red Barbless
Get Down Worm- Red