Small Streams

Nearly all eastern Idaho small streams are in good fishing shape. This includes all sinks drainage streams, Palisades Reservoir tributaries (tribs), Henry's Fork tribs, Fall River and its tribs, Portneuf River, Salt River tribs, and Warm River and its tribs. Generalized aquatic insect emergence for these streams include caddisfly, golden stonefly, PMD, yellow sallies. So use life cycle patterns for these as well as traditional attractor patterns. Exceptions to good fishing conditions are some Teton River tribs draining west slope of the Teton Range. Flow in Big Lost River below Mackay Dam is dropping but at over 500 cfs makes for tough wading. South Fork tribs and the Blackfoot River and tribs above the reservoir do not open for fishing until July 1st.
Fly Patterns to use:
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan