Small Streams

What a difference a day makes, goes that old song! We were thinking run-off was over, but then along comes a couple of days of record warmth. Now any stream draining high country is where it should be this time of year--chock full of run-off. Fall River, which drains Madison and Pitchstone plateaus in Yellowstone Park is flowing around 2500 cfs and climbing at the Yellowstone gauge. A few days ago it was just under 1600 cfs there . This is sure to impact Henry's Fork fishing below Chester Dam. Stick to streams that do not drain high country for now. Try Warm River, keep in touch with us about fishing the Blackfoot River below the reservoir because irrigation demands will soon raise flows out of the dam. Small streams such as Birch Creek, Camas Creek, and Beaver Creek are great places for light weight equipment.
Fly Patterns to use:
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan