Small Streams

All are at their peaks for action. But with hot weather coming some of the smallest streams will tend to warm and therefore slow down. This does not apply to the rivers such as the Teton, Falls, Warm, Blackfoot and Portneuf. On all of these PMDs, caddis and sallys still bring action, but for riffle and run reaches attractor patterns will be a blast to fish. This means such as humpys, renegades, Wulff series, and irresistibles. For slower reaches such as in Teton Basin PMD life cycle patterns will bring action. And on all small waters it is time to break out your ant and beetle patterns remembering that hoppers are only a week or two from taking over as the patterns of choice.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan