Small Streams

    Bear Creek reduced Almost any area small stream is currently worthy of a visit. All have afternoon caddis activity with varying amounts of PMD and yellow sally activity. Terrestrial insect activity is ongoing, so having hopper, beetle and ant patterns are almost a must. So are those traditional attractor patterns (renegade, humpy, p-chute adams, royal wulff, stimulator) so many times overlooked. A few caveats include the Teton River mid-day recreational boat hatch, high and variable flows in the Blackfoot River below the reservoir, decreasing flows out of Henry's Lake into the Flat Ranch portion of the river below, and crowded waters around popular campgrounds (Warm River, lower Big Elk Creek, lower Palisades Creek).
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan