Small Streams

Bear Creek reduced Your choice of small waters to fish is almost endless. The Palisades Reservoir and South Fork tributaries are all good choices to visit. Terrestrial insect patterns, soft hackled patterns, traditional attractors ( renegade, humpy, wulff series, purple haze), caddis, and yellow sally life cycle patterns will get responses from resident trout. Try the same patterns on Warm River. Be aware that several sheep herds are grazing on allotments on upper McCoy Creek. The best times to fish Teton River in the Basin are early AM and after dinner time because of mid-day recreational boaters. Such as rusty spinners will be effective there in the early AM. Caddis and PMD life cycle, and terrestrial insect patterns will attract fish during evening hours.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan