Small Streams

Just about any of these are now good choices, exept for a few (some Teton Basin streams) draining the highest country. All major South Fork tribs are now open, but the best days on them are ahead. Want a particular small stream treat? Try Robinson Creek. The real fun here is not knowing which trout species you will get to respond. Robinson holds cutts, 'bow, brookies, browns and even a whitefish or two all living in harmony. True, they don't rival the nearby Henry's Fork in size, but there are some of size ranging up to around 18". It's a great place for that light-weight rod, and to realize that good numbers of green drakes are not exclusive to such as the Harriman reach of the Henry's Fork, Lewis River, Slough Creek and Fall River Basin streams. Get in touch with us to talk access, flies and strategy.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan