Small Streams
Are you looking for a small stream sure to produce reliable action during these warm, dry summer days? If you are, Warm River just below Warm River Spring should be at the top of your "to-visit" list. Here's why: the spring provides an abundant and constant inflow of quality water in the low fifties of degrees Fahrenheit. That temperature is about ideal for trout living conditions which includes feeding. With caddisflies, PMDs, and tricos emerging and ants, beetles, and hoppers falling in from banks a variety of food forms is present. Brookies, browns and rainbows make up the trout roster here. True, they do not range as large as those on the nearby Henry's Fork, so scale your tackle accordingly. In addition, most fly-fishers in the area will be on the Henry's Fork (or around Three Rivers downstream), so add a good chance for solitude as a plus when trying this great small river.
To get there turn right on the Warm River Road off the Mesa Falls Scenic Highway just above Upper Mesa Falls. Then turn right onto the Warm River Fish Hatchery Road, aka Warm River Spring Road. After this road drops down to the river there are a number of pull-outs before reaching the spring and hatchery. Park, then walk downstream to fish as much as time permits and you should have a good outing.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan