Small Streams
With the afternoon green drake emergence, bankside terrestrial insects and PM caddis makes Big Elk Creek a top water fishing treasure. Kokanee are moving in from the reservoir to spawn, but they do not impact the great top water fishing.
The Teton River in the basin is another stream at the top of its fishing game with PMD, sallies, golden stones and a variety of bankside terrestrial insects being active. Mornings are best time to fish as fishing and recreational boats and wading angler traffic increases as mid-day approaches. Teton Basin hosts frequent thunder showers this time of the year. If you try to shelter in a willow thicket while one passes, you may be sharing that thicket with a moose. Be careful!
Flies to fish:
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan