Small Streams

Almost any of these will be a great choice at least to the end of the month, but some of the very smallest will begin to fade as water reaches base levels and trout go downstream to seek more overhead cover. Want to try a small stream with super-abundant trout and quite a ways off the beaten path? Sawmill Creek is a great candidate. Go to Howe, Idaho on State Highway 33. Turn north on the paved county road and travel for miles up the Little Lost River Valley. The pavement ends just above the "almost township" of Clyde, Idaho. From here travel further up the well-maintained gravel road bearing to right to where it forks for final time. Take the right fork (left hand fork goes on to the Pahsimeroi Valley), and follow it to the Sawmill Creek crossing. You can stop here, about 130 miles north and west of Idaho Falls, and fish or travel further up the creek to drop off at any worthy looking spot, and there are many of them, to give it a try. Rainbows, brookies and bull trout are the residents, and anything over fourteen inches is a "braggin' fish" , so plan your tackle accordingly. They will take just about any attractor, caddisfly life cycle or terrestrial pattern you offer on top water, and sub-surface they do the same for any soft hackle or nymph pattern presented. Yes, it is a long haul, but the country is gorgeous and good fishing almost a sure thing. Don't forget that camera.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan